Luxury Canal Cruising France - Ultimate Canal Cruising Experiences

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Can you provide an example of a menu or wine list?

You’ll eat like royalty onboard! A sample of what’s on offer could include provincial specialties such as Noisette d’Agneau en Croûte de Sel avec Sauce Romari; Ragout de Calamars “Provençàle,” Entrecôte de Bazas à la Bordelaise; Confit de Canard et Son Jus au Thym; Foie Gras Poélé Déglacé au Vin de Figues; Filet de Truite au Beurre Blanc; and Gâteau Basque.

Cuisine is accompanied by a well-stocked cellar selection of regional wines: Domaine de Nalys; Châteauneuf du Pape; Château Haut Gléo; Corbières; Domaine Corsin; Pouilly Fuissé; Domaine Vacheron, Sancerre; Château Les Ollieux Romanis; Domaine Alquier; Faugères; Château de Gourgazau; Minervois La Livinière

Morning and afternoon tea is a delightful experience featuring indulgent baked treats, fresh fruit, or regional cheese boards.

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